
How To Add Friends In Prodigy

Prodigy Game Update: Multiplayer Worlds

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We have some big news for all of our wizards out there! You lot are at present able to find and interact with your friends on Prodigy!

Multiplayer Worlds:

We know many students have been asking for this for a long fourth dimension at present and we're excited to reveal a new earth selection feature that will allow for you to conform to run into with your friends in one of our ninety available worlds.

When you first login to the game, you'll be asked to "Choose Your World". You tin cull the same world as your friends so that you can play Prodigy together.

You will exist shown iii recommended worlds to brainstorm with. If you are part of a class that plays at school or a large class list, then these 3 worlds will exist ones that yous and your classmates take in common and we recommend you pick one of these. Y'all can practice so just by clicking on one.

If you'd like to explore other worlds, and so yous tin select the "All Prodigy Worlds" menu past clicking on the map icon in the pinnacle right corner of the folio.

From this menu, you can employ the arrows on the left to navigate through our ninety offered worlds. Each world can currently hold 200 players max, and the number of people will be indicated as a percentage under the globe's image in the menu.

In one case a earth is 100% full, you'll exist unable to join information technology. Simply click on your chosen world to enter it.

If you're playing the game and desire to tell your friends what world you're a office of but can't remember, open the Settings carte du jour (Gear Icon). Your earth will be displayed in the upper portion of your settings menu.

Player Cards:

Non only will you exist able to find your friends in game, you'll also be able to look at their "player cards". For now player cards reveal a player'due south level and currently equipped items but some icons in this menu will requite yous a hint of the some of the features to come. Shhh…don't tell anyone!

How To Add Friends In Prodigy,


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